
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

5 Date Night Ideas That are Free

It’s easy to come home from school/work and want to just crash on your bed. I understand, I get home exhausted and could easily fall right asleep in my cozy bed. But these 5 dates will keep your marriage alive and are totally free!! Which I love, because we are sooo poor!

1) Spa Night – This is a night of just relaxation. Light candles, turn out the lights. Take a hot bath and give each other massages. I love massages. Nothing like coming home exhausted and getting an awesome massage to make all your stresses go away.

2) Camping – Spend the night out in the mountains, desert, or even your own backyard. Look up at the stars and just curl up and snuggle. Play some games and just have a relaxing night getting to know each other a little better.

3) Cook Dinner Together – Go shopping for the ingredients you need if you don’t already have them. Cook, make a mess, and enjoy the quality time you get to have together.

4) Couples Game Night – We love game nights with other people! Not that we don’t love to spend one on one time together, but sometimes it is fun to have friends over for a little competitive fun.

5) Movie Night – Sometimes after a long days work it’s nice to just snuggle up close together and watch a movie. Preferably my choice (: I love me some chickflicks!

Just because you are married doesn’t mean you should stop getting to know each other. It is important to keep your marriage alive.

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