
Sunday, September 15, 2013

35 Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him and Make Your Marriage Last

So sometimes it can be really hard to show our spouses we love them. We get carried away and stuck in our daily routine. Sometimes I think, He knows I love him, I cook, I clean, hey I even took my time to make him a cake! What if it turns out he doesn’t even like cake? Get out of the habit and start showing different ways that you love and care for him. And don’t be afraid to get creative!
1) Snuggle into him any chance you get. –I can’t even explain how much I love this. We don’t see each other a lot so when we do I am constantly near him holding on.
2) Actually listen to his day instead of 10 percenting it as we call it. Focus on him.
3) Hold his hand wherever you go.
4) Go for a long walk, just talking about anything and making each other laugh.
5) Offer him a massage when he’s had a long day.
6) Send him sweet and sexy texts. – I love me some sweet nothings messages!
7) Cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie, his choice.
8) Laugh at his jokes.
9) Call him up just to say I love you.
10) Fall asleep in his arms.
11) Turn the lights down low.
12) Greet him with a huge smile and leap into his arms whenever he comes home.
13) Go on fun dates that you actually have to plan and prepare for instead of just a movie in dinner. -In that case we went to the drive in movies a couple weeks ago and had a candlelit dinner and chocolate covered strawberries. What a fun date that was and then we snuggled up in the back of the car and finished the movie.

14) Whisper all the things you love about him in his ear.
15) Remember to tell him you are grateful for him. Think of everything he does for you and/or family and let him know.
16) Leave messages for him on the bathroom mirror.
17) Make him his favorite meals.
18) Listen intently to his day and be understanding.
19) Kiss him on the lips everyday.
20) Have a special language only you two understand whether it’s squeezing each others hands or winking at one another.
21) Give your attention to him. Your book, vacuum, text message, facebook, can all wait!
22) Pray for him everyday.
23) Cultivate your friendship.
24) Forgive often.
25) Be patient with him.
26) Show respect.
27) Let the annoyances go. -This one can be hard I admit. There is just always something that’s going to bug us whether it’s the cupboards left open, or shoes all over the ground. Don’t get angry, you can easily close a cupboard and bring the shoes to a closet. Simple as that! Is it really worth bothering about? If no, then let it go.
28) Offer him and praise and encouragement.
29) Resist the urge to nag. -Again let go of the things that bug you! –Obviously this one is a little hard for me, but I am working on it and I have seen such a difference in both our attitudes and we both are just much more happier when there is not a ton of nagging going on!
30) Do more kissing than complaining.
31) Take a shower or bath together.
32) Pay attention to details. –Know how he likes his sandwiches cut, or which way his clothes hang on the hanger.
33) Always remember a good marriage is worth fighting for. It isn’t easy, but it will be worth it.
34) Spend quality time together, whether it’s playing Battleship (my favorite) or going on a bike ride.
And I saved my favorite for very last
35) Tell him I love you everyday! –Now this one holds a special place in my heart. When Taylor and I were first dating he told me he had never said I love you to any girl before other than his mom and sister, not even jokily saying it. I was amazed and realized those words really meant a lot to him and they began to hold the same effect on me. Ever since the first day he told me he loved me, he has said it everyday since, no exception, and I do the same.

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