
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Keeping it Interesting, 45 Adventures with the hubby!

Right now we don’t have kids and I intend to live it up to the fullest. Not that I am not excited to have them one day, but right now this is the time we have by ourselves to just have fun and go on adventures with each other without worrying about kids. So take advantage of the time you have with just the two of you and make the best of it. I love to look back at all these pictures and remember those fun days we have had and can't wait to keep making more.

1) Sleep under the stars.
2) Go dancing together.
3) Backpack through another country.
4) Go on a cruise.

5) Fly a kite.
6) Spend a day where you fell in love and fall in love all over again.
7) Parasailing.

8) Make a fort in your living room and watch a movie.
9) Run a marathon.
10) Rock climbing. I eventually want to go real rock-climbing, but for now this will work.

11) Bungee jumping.
12) Swim with dolphins.

13) White water rafting.
14) Learn to fly a plane.
15) Scuba-diving.
16) Buy a season pass and go snowboarding/skiing every week.

17) Ride on a dog sled.
18) Drive the Pacific Coast Highway from top to bottom making stops along the way.
19) Live in another country.
20) See the Northern Lights.
21) Work out together.

22) Tandem Bike riding.
23) Take a hike where the scenery is stunning!We love hiking! It is free and takes my breath away everytime.

24) Go sand boarding at the dunes. (Snowboarding on sand)
25) Windsurfing.
26) Sumo-wrestling.

27) Have a candlelit dinner.
28) Visit Niagra Falls.
29) Hot Air-Ballooning.      
This was one of the most magical and beautiful days that I have ever had. Not only was the view spectacular and gorgeous, but Taylor proposed to me. It was definitely a day to remember!

30) Visit Dracula’s Castle. 
31) Take a romantic Gondola ride in Venice.
32) Play in the rain.

33) Watch fireworks from your roof.
34) Pull over on the side of the street and take a picture. 
We used to do this all the time and would get the 
greatest looks from people! I remember trying to climb on 
Taylor's shoulders as his phone was counting down to take the picture. 
It took a couple tries that is for sure! Priceless memories. Do ridiculous things just for the fun of it.

35) Ziplining.
 On my very first date Taylor and I went zipling across a lake in Idaho. I can’t even explain the beauty and excitement and terror of swinging (holding on for my life because there were no harnesses) across the lake. If you let go of the handle you would be in the lake… Haha it was such an amazing night!

36) Do a zombie race and run like you’ve never run.
37) Sing karaoke to an audience.
38) Drive through the canyon. This is something I just love love love about Utah. We live right up in the mountains and it takes only 5 minutes to get up inside the canyon and taking drives is one of my favorite things to do!
39) Polar-Bear swimming.
40) Try something new. For me, I wanted to go mountain bike riding. Let me tell you, one of the scariest, but most exhilarating things I’ve ever done! I had to keep telling myself not to look down because if I did, well, I would have not made it past those 2 inch ledges we were riding on…

41) Go shooting.

42) Learn a new language together.
43) Take a roadtrip with no planned destination. 
44) Wake-boarding and surfing. 

45) Play glow in the dark Frisbee at night.

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